LSRN is a Life Science Record Name. LSRNs identify records in Life Science databases such as PubMed, INSD (GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ), and GO. LSRNs have familiar notation database_abbreviation:record_identifier and follow the practice originated from the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ db_xref qualifier. Most frequently seen cross-reference identifiers such as PMID:16446403, GO:0006915, and EC: are valid LSRNs; LSRN specification formalises the practice and provides a centralized registry for identifier schemas, metadata associated with database record types, as well as mapping of LSRNs to current URLs of the actual records. The specification is open and can be extended by all interested parties; it is maintained as an RDF registry accompanied by the corresponding OWL vocabulary. serves as a permanent home for the LSRN specification, a portal for editors and contributors, and as a LSRN-to-URN resolution service. An LSRN-based permanent URL is dual-purpose: it can be used as a regular URL for the associated record; also, it can be used as a globally unique URI for the record in Semantic Web applications.

LSRNs are compatible with OASIS Published Subject recommendation. LSRN-based permanent URLs for records that have easily identified primary subject (e.g. a gene) are valid PSIs (Published Subject Identifiers) and can be used as a basis for agreement on the identity of subjects (example).

The bulk of the current LSRN schemas is derived from three main sources: International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration’s db_xref specification, NCBI’s Dbtag_db practice, and Gene Ontology cross-reference abbreviations (GO.xrf_abbs); other sources are databases themselves.

LSID Registry